The commotion of the end of the year at the office, the limited time, the huge number of tasks, the list of events you must attend – in this heterogeneous mix, the question that each of us asks is, of course, what to wear today. As time isn’t very friendly with you, it would be ideal to choose the same outfit for the day and for the evening, but accessorise it differently, depending on the situations where you wear it. We’ll help you with an outfit that is easy to change so that you can be on top in every situation:
Common item: Nissa dress, shop.nissa.ro, 299 lei
Bershka vest, www.bershka.com, 89.90 lei
Sepala hiking boots, www.sepala.ro, 890 lei
Dasha bag, www.dasha.ro, 285 lei
Sabrini silver earrings, www.sabrini.ro, 109 lei
Fossil watch, www.bb-shop.ro, 685 lei
Snob earrings, www.molecule-f.com, 417 lei
Meli Melo bracelet, melimeloparis.ro, 39.99 lei
Lipstick, www.sephora.ro, 169 lei
Musette bag, musette.ro, 549 lei
Eva Minge shoes, www.epantofi.ro, 461 lei
Featued image source: ro.pinterest.com
Listing image source: www.lurchhoundloves.com