Sunglasses are among the must-have accessories of this season, but to complement your outfit, they have to perfectly fit your face to show off your qualities. We must understand that not any frame or lens type is suitable for the shape of our face. Even if a certain design is in vogue, we need to focus every time on the things that show us to good advantage. We have prepared some tips you should think about putting into practice. Be trendy and, at the same time, choose the pair of eyeglasses that are suitable for your face shape!
Round shape
Image source: www.stylecraze.com
The round face shape is among the most demanding when it comes to choosing the right pair of sunglasses. Choose a thin, rectangular or square-shaped frame so your cheeks don’t get emphasized. The Wayfafer style glasses are perfect for you!
Ray-Ban Sunglasses – lensa.ro – 605 lei
Image source: lensa.ro
Ralph Lauren Sunglasses – answear.ro – 569 lei
Image source: answear.ro
Square shape
Image source: aflacum.ro
Featuring a pronounced chin as well as sharp jaw, this shape of the face matches can be combined with sunglasses with oval or round shape. This summer opt for cheerful colors!
H&M Sunglasses – www2.hm.com – 29.90 lei
Image source: www2.hm.com
Meli Melo Sunglasses – melimeloparis.ro – 39.99 lei
Image source: melimeloparis.ro
Oval shape
Image source: www.eva.ro
The women with an oval face shape are among the luckiest ones because they can wear any type of frames, but also lenses. It is preferable to choose some frames that don’t cover your face very much, but you look good with any type of sunglasses. Everything remains at your choice! So, wear the most daring models!
Mango Sunglasses – www.shop.mango.com – 99 lei
Image source: www.shop.mango.com
Stradivarius Sunglasses – www.stradivarius.com – 49.90 lei
Image source: www.stradivarius.com
Triangular or heart-shaped face
Sursă imagine: www.maramedia.ro
You can say that you count among the only women whose face shape allows them to wear the beloved cat eye frames, but it is recommended that they are thickened at the top. Also, a good model is the aviator one.
Guess Sunglasses – www.cel.ro – 388 lei
Image source: www.cel.ro
Vintage Cat Eye Sunglasses – www.ochelarivintage.com – 69 lei
Image source: www.ochelarivintage.com
Opt for the sunglasses that are suitable for your face shape and enjoy the sun and a fabulous look all summer long!
Featured image source: www.marieclaire.com
Listing image source: www.aliexpress.com