There are some things that every woman hates in the morning: the alarm clock, the fact that time does not let you do anything you proposed to do and the endless minutes spent in front of the wardrobe. If for the first ones you cannot do anything to stop them from ruining your mornings, the last aspect can be easily crossed off the I hate list. How? With a little creativity and an organized program.
The first step of the secret we are about to offer you is smart shopping. We all like to spend hours in stores, trying and buying a lot of clothes more or less useful. A good idea to save your time in the morning is to buy those easy to wear outfits that will never disappoint you. Therefore, we offer you four must-have items for your smart outfit from the rushed mornings:
1. Sundresses. Dresses are the perfect choice in the mornings, when time goes faster than you imagine, because they are so easy to accessorize. From silk or lace, long or short, baby doll or office, all of those dresses can be helpful for any outfit, if you know what to select. Try to choose loose dresses that can be worn in different combinations. This will make your work much easy. If your job allows you, you can use bold prints that save your time finding the perfect accessory. We propose you a few dresses that you can purchase directly from online stores:
Closet Dress – Price: 319,99 lei. It can be purchased from the website: www.zoot.ro.
Blue navy Dress – Price: 149 lei. It can be purchased from the website: www.amafashion.ro.
Nude Office Dress – Price: 179,99 lei. It can be purchased from the website: www.lafemme.ro.
Image source: pinterest.com
2. Black trousers. Dark trousers should not miss from any woman's wardrobe. They are easy to match and can save you from many situations which require an office outfit. This summer we recommend you to choose loose black trousers from lightweight materials. Below, we offer you some options:
Cady Trousers – Price: 1209 lei. They can be purchased from the website: www.maxmara.com.
Tinar Trousers – Price: 189 lei. They can be purchased from the website: www.tinar.ro.
H&M Trousers – Price: 159,90 lei. They can be purchased from the website: www2.hm.com.
Image source: www.stylandstore.com
3. White shirt - always a good choice. It is already known that black and white clothes are easiest to combine, so they can be the key to a beautiful morning. White suggests elegance, simplicity, and, especially, freshness and how you can start better a new day of work, if not with a harmonious outfit that transmit cheerfulness. White shirt is the element that should not miss from a woman's wardrobe. It is easy to accessorize and can be worn in different outfits. Here you can find some alternatives:
PNK Casual Shirt – Price: 349 lei. It can be purchased from the website: www.pnkcasual.ro.
Zara Shirt – Price: 149,90 lei. It can be purchased from the website: www.zara.com.
Nissa Shirt – Price: 289,50 lei. It can be purchased from the website: www.nissa.ro.
Image source: www.symphonyofsilk.com
4. Your wow accessory. Any outfit can get an extra charm if you know how to add an interesting accessory. Whether you choose a scarf with a floral print, a maxi necklace or a hat, all can transform an ordinary outfit into an amazing one. In addition, a special accessory will help you to save the time that you should use to think of an outfit more complicated. Some examples of such accessories could be:
Blue Necklace – Price: 69,99 lei. It can be purchased from the website: www.melimeloparis.ro.
Blue Bag – Price: 369 lei. It can be purchased from the website: www.salamandershop.ro.
Scarf – Price: 370 lei. It can be purchased from the website: www.freywille.com.
Image source: larrimors.com
The second step for a rapid outfit in the late mornings is organization. You can save important minutes if the clothes you are looking for are well-ordered in the dressing. The clothes can be easily chosen, if they are separated according to the season and placed nicely on the hanger. For an extra help, you can opt for a photo album in which you can add images with your clothes.
The third step is to prepare your outfit in the evening for the next day. Without being pressed by time, you can think better about what you might like to wear in the following day. In addition, you have enough time to check the weather and try more clothes to see what you would like to wear.
With a dressing room full of chic clothes that are nicely organized you cannot worry about time in the rushed mornings!
Featured image source: www.donna.gr
Listing image source: www.fashion.163.com