One of this season’s recommendations is, as you may already suspect, animal print. Thanks to the popularity of this pattern, you can dare try the craziest combinations, and the positive verdict will not be late in coming. However, if your personality tells you to choose a single item, we suggest you go for a pair of animal print boots, ideal for this autumn.
They are chic enough to be integrated into a trendy office outfit, and perfect for any time of the day, in multiple combinations. All you need to do is respect the rules of chromatics and make sure you don’t go overboard except when the place and time allow it.
We present you our fabulous selection of animal print boots:
1. Smiling Shoes animal print boots – smilingshoes.com – 580 lei;
2. Diane Marie animal print boots – www.pantofidianemarie.ro – 379 lei;
3. Dasha animal print boots – www.dasha.ro – 359 lei;
4. Ana Urbana animal print boots – www.facebook.com – price on demand;
5. Condur by Alexandru animal print boots – condurbyalexandru.com – 769 lei;
6. Coca Zaboloteanu animal print boots – www.cocazaboloteanu.ro – 570 lei;
7. Steve Madden animal print boots – www.enzobertini.ro – 719 lei;
8. Luisa Fiore animal print boots – www.luisafiore.ro – 410 lei;
9. Condur by Alexandru animal print boots – condurbyalexandru.com – 769 lei;
10. Lumea la picioare animal print boots – lumealapicioare.ro – 420 lei.
Choose the pair of boots that seduced you, and feel ready to create the trendiest outfits of the season!
Featured image source: www.zapatosvas.com
Listing image source: www.stylist.co.uk
Article images sources: the websites where the above-mentioned products are available