November comes with the most awaited Friday of the year, Black Friday, the day when prices drop significantly, with discounts of up to 90%.

This day was established in nineteenth century, announcing the closing of the Thanksgiving holiday and the reopening of the stores. Over time, the day was adopted by traders for the liquidation of their stocks before the cold season, but, due to its unexpected success, it was transformed into a national day and, after a short period of time, into an international one.

In Romania, Black Friday was adopted not long time ago, but it managed to catch the attention of a large number of customers from the big stores and not only. Here is a list of some of the retailers who will participate at Black Friday.

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So, if you want to buy a product that you have dreamed of for a long time but the financial resources prevented you from buying it, now is the perfect time for you to purchase it! Be prepared for Black Friday and buy the best product at the lowest prices! 

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