Considered one of the body's enemies when consumed in excess, sugar is responsible for many of the health problems faced by people, such as heart diseases, dental caries, excess weight, increased cholesterol, diabetes, and the list can successfully continue.

It is important to know that the sugar we eat daily is not just the one we add willingly to sweeten our tea or coffee, but also the one that is found in a lot of food we buy from the store (cold meats, sauces, juices, spices etc.), but also in the fruits and vegetables we eat.

To reduce the amount of sugar consumed on a daily basis, it is advisable to replace the one consumed willingly with natural sweeteners. Here's some healthier options you have:

1. Coconut syrup (250 ml) – – 39.76 lei

Indulcitor - Sirop de cocos


2. Fructose (1 kg) – – 11.34 lei

Indulcitor - fructoza


3. Maple syrup (250 ml) – – 30.75 lei

Indulcitor - sirop de artar


4. Dates syrup (330 g) – – 13.07 lei

Indulcitor - sirop de curmale


5. Stevia syrup (50 ml) – – 47.99 lei

Indulcitor - sirop de stevia


6. Sugar cane molasses (450 g) – – 20 lei

Indulcitor - melasa din trestie de zahar


7. Agave nectar (250 ml) – – 19.20 lei

Indulcitor - nectar de agave


8. Polyfloral honey (150 g) – – 8 lei

Indulcitor - miere poliflora


9. Rice syrup (350 g) – – 20.49 lei

Indulcitor - sirop de orez


10. Yacon syrup (250 ml) – – 59.30 lei

Indulcitor - sirop de yacon


11. Xylitol (1 kg) – – 23 lei

Indulcitor - xylitol


12. Erythritol (500 g) – – 26.90 lei

Indulcitor - Erytrytol


Choosing natural sweeteners can be a healthy alternative to lowering sugar consumption, but we do not encourage their exclusive and excessive use as they can be harmful to your body.

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