Who doesn’t love those little fluffy animals with cute little faces? If you are not that person, you surely know someone in your circle of friends who loves penguins very much. And what could you offer them as a gift? Yeah, you guessed it, something to embody ... penguins.

Here are our gift proposals for all penguin lovers:

1. Neck pillow with penguins – carturesti.ro – 140 lei

Perna cu pinguini

2. Pengoloo – www.cartidesuflet.ro – 115 lei


3. Penguin kigurumi pajamas – www.wildfashion.ro – 129 lei

Pijama kigurumi cu pinguin

4. Puzzle with penguins – giftology.ro – 65 lei

Puzzle cu pinguini

5. Penguin socks – sertarulcusosete.ro – 19.50 lei

Sosete cu pinguini

5. Penguin thermos – fragoladesign.ro – 58 lei

Termos cu pinguini

6. Penguin gloves – contessinaboutique.ro – 77 lei

Manusi cu pinguini

7. Penguin wallet – sinsay.com – 14.99 lei

Portofel cu pinguin

8. Penguin mug – breslo.ro – 65 lei

Cana cu pinguini

9. Penguin bedding – www.vivre.ro – 189 lei

Lenjerie de pat cu pinguini

We are sure that, regardless of the choice you will make, the chosen gift will be used with great pleasure!

Featured image source: www.audubon.org
Listing image source: oceana.org
Article images sources: the websites where the mentioned products are available