From fairy lands, we come with a review of a spectacular movie. Behind Bill Condon`s direction and with an exceptional cast, Beauty and the Beast rose the level of expectations, despite the skeptics who predicted a fiasco. Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans and the other talented actors have been able to relive the moments from the animated version`s storyline from 1991.

The movie produced by WDAS 26 years ago has raised a lot the public's expectations and that`s the reason for the pessimistic anticipations, according to which the production of 2017 will destroy the childhood`s beautiful story. Fortunately, this has been avoided. The musical has been appreciated by both the public and the film critics and this is because the crew kept the storyline of the first movie.

Although the original version has largely been respected, the movie has been enhanced by the addition of some deeper substrates. For example, the prince is not just a picky. Behind his behavior, there are some traumas from the childhood. Also, Belle does not just love reading, but with her attitude she wants to suggest a deep disappointment for the society she lives in. All these tones behind the character formation have a powerful impact in shaping the story.

As for the music and the image, the movie received many compliments. The crossing between the reality and the fantasy was harmonious and the audience enjoyed the special effects. We strongly recommend you the 3D version. The soundtrack was very appreciated, especially when we think the actors themselves played the songs.

Beauty and the Beast
Tap to Zoom

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Hoping that we raised your interest, we invite you to watch Beauty and the Beast at Cinema City from your city. More details about the place and time can be found on The price of a ticket varies according to the movie`s genre and the ticket`s type. For example, for a 3D version, a full ticket is 34.00 lei, which includes the 3D glasses.

We hope our opinions help you. Enjoy the movie!

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Roxana Alexandrina Rășanu