We all go through a difficult period now, which makes us think of everything that is worse. It is normal to do so, in an unprecedented situation, but it is very important to try to clear our minds of these thoughts and change this negative attitude into a positive one, in order to be able to overcome these pressing moments.

We have prepared for you 5 books that will help you channel your thoughts in a positive direction.

1. Be Happy by Nicole Fisher – elefant.ro – 42 lei

Be Happy - Nicole Fisher

Is happiness a place or a destination? Be Happy is a book about how happiness can change your life. It does not depend on anyone and nothing. It all depends on you! By reading the well-known author Nicole Fisher, you will learn how to define happiness, which is the science of happiness, but also how to create your own happiness.

2. How to stop worrying and start living (Lasă grijile, începe să trăiești) by Dale Carnegie  – piatadecarte.net – 35 lei

Lasă grijile, începi să trăiești - Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie, one of the most famous authors of the moment, says that the purpose of this book is to reaffirm, illustrate and bring to light many ancient and fundamental truths that will determine you to apply them in your everyday life.

3. The Secret (Secretul) by Rhonda Byrne – librarie.net – 54 lei



A wonderful reading from which we will learn how to use "The Secret" in all aspects of life. Making money, keeping and regaining health, human relationships and happiness will change once you start reading this book. You will understand the hidden power that lies within each of us!

4. Change your attitude... Change your life! (Schimbă-ți atitudinea ca să-ți schimbi viața) by Jeff Keller – Jeff Keller – carturesti.ro – 29.90 lei

Schimba-ti atitudinea ca sa-ti schimbi viata - Jeff Keller

Do you want to overcome your weights and feel satisfied on the professional and personal plan? This book will present you step by step the way your attitude towards each particular issue can affect your life. Learn how to bring positive thinking and the principles of success into one place, and then you will be unstoppable!

5. As a Man Thinketh (Omul devine ceea ce gândește) – James Allen – libris.ro – 20 lei

Omul devine ceea ce gandeste

You are what you think! For a century, the ideas presented in James Allen's book have rebuilt many destinies, changing many lives. The classical literature texts are perfectly suited for today’s world, being adapted and revised for the 21st century.

We are sure that, after reading at least one of these books, you will see the world with other eyes. Your perspective on everything around you will change significantly, and things will improve. And that's only because of the way you think!

Featured image source: www.avenuer.com
Listing image source: insidetema.com
Article images sources: the websites where the mentioned products are available