
X-Body – less kilos and a tonified body with almost immediate results

Each of us wants to obtain immediate results when we want to lose weight, but most of the time, this process is a long and costly one. That is why one of our proposals is X-Body, a quick method of slimming your body and toning the muscles.

De: ioana In #Health & Beautycorpore sano

10 gyms in Bucharest where you can practice step aerobics

Step aerobics is one of the most well-known types of aerobics. It is practiced with the help of a stepper that lets you do various exercises, both cardio and for toning your body.

De: ioana In #Health & Beautycorpore sano

Nutrition clinics in Bucharest

Nu reușești să scapi de kilogramele în plus făcând sport zi de zi? Un stil de viață sănătos cuprinde o viață activă, dar și o alimentație sănătoasă, bazată pe necesitățile fiecărui organism.

De: ioana In #Health & Beautycorpore sano

6 gyms in Bucharest where you can practice Tae Bo

Tae Bo is one of the physical activities loved by both women and men, which are practiced in most gyms in Romania. The founder of this sport is the Taekwondo fighter Billy Blanks, hence the name Tae Bo (Tae = Taekwondo and Bo = Box). This sport is also known as Total Awareness Excellence Body Obedience).

De: ioana In #Health & Beautycorpore sano

Băneasa Race 2018 begins with its Spring Edition

Băneasa Race opens its gates in 2018 with its spring edition. Spring Edition 2018 will be held on 15 April, and the registration period has already begun on The event is organised by the association Trăiesc Sănătos, in partnership with Băneasa Shopping City.

De: roxana In #Health & Beautynewscorpore sano

Harmonize your body and spirit with yoga classes

Yoga is considered by many to be a lifestyle that brings a balance between body and spirit, but also a way to get rid of stress and daily routine. That is why the benefits of yoga practitioners are many: relaxation, toning muscles, improving brain functions, improving balance, eliminating back pain and strengthening immunity.

De: ioana In #Health & Beautycorpore sano

Change your lifestyle with a detoxifying cure – 5 detox clinics in the country

Because each of us have a demanding pace of life and what we eat is not always adequate, our body may encounter problems after a certain period. That is why we often need a detoxifying cure whereby the body removes the accumulated toxins and returns to its normal parameters.

De: ioana In #Health & Beautycorpore sano

Swimming pools in Bucharest

Swimming is one of the sports that brings a lot of health benefits because it is a much more efficient exercise than aerobic. It is well-known that one hour of swimming is equivalent to an hour of cardio, but besides this benefit, swimming is recommended for people who have back pains, because it strengthens back muscles and abdominal muscles.

De: ioana In #Health & Beautycorpore sanofree timeplay & fun

Total Resistance Exercise - TRX

Not long ago, in Romania, a new type of Total Resistance Exercise (TRX) has emerged, one of the most effective ways to sculpt your body. TRX was created by Randy Hetrick as a training method of US Navy soldiers. For the first time, the straps were obtained from the cords of a parachute and then were sewed to be used for training.

De: ioana In #Health & Beautycorpore sano


Although it has a history of over 100 years, Pilates is one of the most modern and effective methods for body remodelling. This physical fitness system was developed by Joseph Pilates and was initially named Contrology, its basic principle being the development of muscles with the help of mind.

De: ioana In #Health & Beautycorpore sano

X-Body – less kilos and a tonified body with almost immediate results

Each of us wants to obtain immediate results when we want to lose weight, but most of the time, this process is a long and costly one. That is why one of our proposals is X-Body, a quick method of slimming your body and toning the muscles.

10 gyms in Bucharest where you can practice step aerobics

Step aerobics is one of the most well-known types of aerobics. It is practiced with the help of a stepper that lets you do various exercises, both cardio and for toning your body.

Known as the cardio step, step & tone, functional step, etc., this sport is suitable for anyone, regardless of age or level of training. The step aerobics class is based on simple movements that are made on alert music, their rhythm increasing until the end of the class.

Nutrition clinics in Bucharest

Nu reușești să scapi de kilogramele în plus făcând sport zi de zi? Un stil de viață sănătos cuprinde o viață activă, dar și o alimentație sănătoasă, bazată pe necesitățile fiecărui organism. De cele mai multe ori, persoanele aleg să-și facă propriul regim alimentar sau să nu mai mănânce pentru a slăbi, decizie care duce în majoritatea cazurilor la grave afecțiuni ale sistemului digestiv și nu numai.

6 gyms in Bucharest where you can practice Tae Bo

Tae Bo is one of the physical activities loved by both women and men, which are practiced in most gyms in Romania. The founder of this sport is the Taekwondo fighter Billy Blanks, hence the name Tae Bo (Tae = Taekwondo and Bo = Box). This sport is also known as Total Awareness Excellence Body Obedience).

Tae Bo is an aerobic-cardio form that combines Taekwondo and Box hits and moves that will certainly help you to develop muscle mass, improve you balance and learn new defensive methods and techniques.

Harmonize your body and spirit with yoga classes

Yoga is considered by many to be a lifestyle that brings a balance between body and spirit, but also a way to get rid of stress and daily routine. That is why the benefits of yoga practitioners are many: relaxation, toning muscles, improving brain functions, improving balance, eliminating back pain and strengthening immunity.

So, if you’ve decided that you need such a training, we’ve prepared a few locations in Bucharest where you can practice yoga under the guidance of a specialist in this field:

Change your lifestyle with a detoxifying cure – 5 detox clinics in the country

Because each of us have a demanding pace of life and what we eat is not always adequate, our body may encounter problems after a certain period. That is why we often need a detoxifying cure whereby the body removes the accumulated toxins and returns to its normal parameters.

Swimming pools in Bucharest

Swimming is one of the sports that brings a lot of health benefits because it is a much more efficient exercise than aerobic. It is well-known that one hour of swimming is equivalent to an hour of cardio, but besides this benefit, swimming is recommended for people who have back pains, because it strengthens back muscles and abdominal muscles. It is also recommended for pregnant women because it stimulates blood circulation, relaxes muscles and strengthens cardio-pulmonary resistance.

Total Resistance Exercise - TRX

Not long ago, in Romania, a new type of Total Resistance Exercise (TRX) has emerged, one of the most effective ways to sculpt your body. TRX was created by Randy Hetrick as a training method of US Navy soldiers. For the first time, the straps were obtained from the cords of a parachute and then were sewed to be used for training.


Although it has a history of over 100 years, Pilates is one of the most modern and effective methods for body remodelling. This physical fitness system was developed by Joseph Pilates and was initially named Contrology, its basic principle being the development of muscles with the help of mind.

Grace, balance and concentration are the three words that define this activity, because it is the art that teaches you how to find the balance between mind and body, while relaxing and, at the same time, working your muscles.

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