Wear the colour of love in an authentic Romanian way for Dragobete! The red is perfect to become your favourite colour this month, when everything is covered in hearts, roses and chocolate candies.

Be magnificent and let yourself influenced by romance in achieving the most beautiful outfits! And if we talk about national holidays, wear the red colour with pride on a clothing piece signed by a Romanian brand! You can choose a vibrant red dress and the right jewellery or a seductive top with a pair of jeans, if the casual look characterizes you. Red makes a good team with a wide colour palette, so it does not impose barriers. Play with the shades and combine them with good taste! You can go even further, opting for an all-red outfit for Dragobete dinner!

Sensuality seems to be the primary characteristic you want to put forward when wearing a red dress. You come with the attitude, we offer you the proud red items:

1. Cloche Dress – shop.cloche.ro – 430 lei;

Rochie Cloche

2. Alina Cernătescu Top – alinacernatescu.fashion – 750 lei;

Top Alina Cernatescu

3. Ioana Ciolacu Blouse – www.ioanaciolacu.com – 400 lei;

Bluza Ioana Ciolacu

4. M. Marquise Pants – www.mmarquise.com – 900 lei;

Pantaloni M. Marquise

5. Hard Coeur Pants – hard-coeur.com – 365 lei;

Pantaloni Hard Coeur

6. acob à porter Skirt – acobaporter.com – 410 lei;

Fustă acob a porter

7. Nissa Skirt – shop.nissa.ro – 499 lei;

Fustă Nissa

8. Ana Urbana Shoes – www.facebook.com/anaurbanashoes/ – price on request;

Pantofi Ana Urbana

9. Ginissima Boots – www.ginissima.com – 575 lei;

Botine Ginissima

10. Anna Cori Bag – www.annacori.com – 649 lei.

Geanta Anna Cori


Get in the game, use your creativity and wear the red items that characterize you with the right attitude!

Featured image source: www.manrepeller.com
Listing image source: www.popsugar.co.uk
Article images sources: the websites where the above-mentioned products are available