Regardless of their number, we never have enough in our dressing! We're talking about bags, of course. So, whenever the opportunity arises, we gladly embrace the purchase of a bag. Today we offer you another reason!
On 1st of December, it is the perfect time to accessorize your outfit with a bag with traditional motifs. Carefully made by Romanian designers or local brands, the bags with inserts inspired by the popular port seem to be immortal, having a classic design and being easy to wear in a lot of outfits.
We offer you 7 models that you can add to the shopping cart:
1. Iutta Bag – www.iutta.ro – 679 lei;
2. Dia Bag – www.breslo.ro – 375 lei;
3. Rena Bag – endra.ro – 730 lei;
4. Bogdan Deliu Bag – bogdandeliu.ro – price on request;
5. Lyria Backpack – lyria.ro – 849 lei;
6. Climent Art Bag – climentart.ro – 320 lei;
7. Lemnia Bag – atelierlemnia.com – 430 lei.
Which is your perfect bag in a proud outfit for the 1st of December?
Featured image source: ioanagrama.ro
Listing image soure: aboutfashionstreet.com
Article images sources: the websites where the above-mentioned products are available