Every year, the housewives prepare the best traditional Romanian dishes for all the guests. The smell of the freshly baked dishes and their unique flavour will make all your guests to ask for at least one more dish.

But what do you do if you don’t have time to prepare all these goodies? Obviously, you can appeal to the best chefs to have a table full of delicious Easter food. If you didn’t think you could have such goodies in a matter of minutes, without sitting in the kitchen to prepare them for a long time, we tell you that it is possible and we also help you with a list of some online stores from where you can buy these products!

1. Red Eggs – pomello.ro – 50 lei/10 pieces

Oua rosii

Image source: www.pomello.ro

2. Meatloaf lamb – www.homemade-sarbatori.ro – 74 lei/1,2 kg

Drob de miel

Image source: www.homemade-sarbatori.ro

3. Lamb stew with garlic and spring onion – mananciacasa.ro – 95 lei/1,5 kg

Stufat de miel

Image source: www.mananciacasa.ro

4. Lamb Stock – www.oalacubunatati.ro – 79,90 lei

Bors de miel

Image source: www.oalacubunatati.ro

5. Lamb Steak – www.lingurasistrachina.ro – 90 lei/1kg

Friptura de miel

Image source: www.lingurasistrachina.ro

6. Grilled pemmican ram – casabrancoveanu.ro – 25 lei/220 g

Pastrama de berbecut

Image source: www.casabrancoveanu.ro

7. Sweet bread and Easter cake – paste.dulcesicevainplus.ro – 90 lei/package (Easter cake – 900 g and sweet bread – 900 g)

Pasca si cozonac

Image source: paste.dulcesicevainplus.ro

Don’t forget to keep an eye on the sites that sell these goodies and order them in time to avoid unpleasant surprises on Easter! Your guests will be fully satisfied with the taste and quality of the products and your Easter table will be perfect!

Featured image source: www.walldevil.com
Listing image source: www.nasul.tv